Is Your Good Really That Great?

“We cannot know the great things of the universe until we know ourselves as great things.”   

  What keeps us from finding and sharing our own greatness? The good.  The good enough.  Whenever we settle for what
is simply sufficient without sounding our soul for what could be our best, we deny our own greatness.

Greatness is not about achieving perfection.  Focusing on being perfect can often paralyze any effort you may make.  Perfection is an ideal state while greatness is a process.  The process of transcending your limitations is an on-going adventure of dis-
covering your potential.

No matter how hard we work, every presentation turns in three presentations.  The first is the one you prepare.  The second is the one you actually present. The third is the one you wish you gave after you finished.  Your best presentation will inevitably be your next presentation.  Greatness can be found in your conscious commitment to invest your wishes (the 3rd presentation) into your preparation (the 1st presentation).

Your greatness can consistently be found by reaching beyond your perceived limitations.  It resides in your unending capacity to learn.  No matter what triumphs or tribulations life bestows upon or bludgeons you with, you can respond by learning.  You
may not like what you are learning.  You may not like where or when the learning opportunities occur; however, each day gives a choice of just going through the day or growing through the day.

When you compete within yourself to better yourself, you personify greatness. Investing your victories into your tomor-
rows invites knowing and presenting yourself  as a great thing.