About David Nemitz

David Nemitz has designed and delivered over 10,000 sales presentations, professional development programs and executive coaching sessions for corporations and governmental organizations such as the US State Department, The French Consulate, and American Express. When he is not helping others define and refine their strengths, you can find him watching the sun set over The Magic City or strolling through The City of Light where he lives with his wife Ninette.

How Loud is Your Personality?

Speech Smarts Personality Podcast

Who you are speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.

Are you a commodity or a character?  Here is a simple test. If anyone else could be giving your pitch, you are a commodity.  If you are the only one in the world who can say what you have to say, you are a character.  A character is someone whose personality Continue reading

Are Your Diligent or a Dilettante?

speech smarts diligence Podcast

What we hope ever to do with ease,
we must learn first to do with diligence.
– Samuel Johnson

It’s hard to be consistent and earnest when we want to improve ourselves.  We are tempted to cram for exams and presentations.  A fake it ‘til you make it philosophy is just that, fake.  Do you hope that getting it done doesn’t require you to prepare?  Diligence is Continue reading