How Loud is Your Personality?

Speech Smarts Personality Podcast

Who you are speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.

Are you a commodity or a character?  Here is a simple test. If anyone else could be giving your pitch, you are a commodity.  If you are the only one in the world who can say what you have to say, you are a character.  A character is someone whose personality Continue reading

Are Your Diligent or a Dilettante?

speech smarts diligence Podcast

What we hope ever to do with ease,
we must learn first to do with diligence.
– Samuel Johnson

It’s hard to be consistent and earnest when we want to improve ourselves.  We are tempted to cram for exams and presentations.  A fake it ‘til you make it philosophy is just that, fake.  Do you hope that getting it done doesn’t require you to prepare?  Diligence is Continue reading