How Much Greed Do You Need?

Greed is the insatiable desire to have more than you need.  The sin in greed is seeing everything and everyone as something to possess.  Greed continually confuses the desire to feel fulfilled with being fulfilled.  Greedy speakers confuse self control with controlling others.  They need everyone to pay attention to what they say at all costs, to love how they say it, and to understand exactly what they mean.  “I need you to love me” is the sound track for every greedy speaker’s speech.  Your audience needs to feel that your attention, your love and your understanding is focused on them, otherwise, your neediness strikes a chord of greediness.

How much does it cost to pay attention?  If you don’t care for the speaker or the subject, the cost can be too much.  Demanding attention is unending when you need it to feel in control.  Calling a meeting to order by yelling over everyone’s chatter is one way to get people to focus on you.  Sophisticated speakers, with something worth paying attention to, stand silently in front of their audience until the crowd quiets itself.  Needy speakers yell because they think that what they have to say is more important than what everyone else is saying. Attentive speakers wait for the opportunity to speak, because they understand the way to pay for your attention.  By controlling yourself, and silently inviting others to do the same, your speech can become music to their ears.

Don’t try to teach a pig how to sing.  It won’t work and it annoys the pig.

Greedy speakers go whole hog taking understanding for granted.  They presume you know them. They assume you know what they know. And more often than not, they use an alphabet soup of acronyms and insider jargon, you don’t want to know.  Even if you are famous, there is always a chance that someone does not know you or what you do.  Speakers, who understand this fact, give quick and clear stories so you can understand who they are and what they are saying.  Generous teachers help their students learn by creating a common understanding.  Greedy teachers hoard their knowledge, and punish you for misunderstanding.  It is piggish and annoying to share your song without understanding how much everyone loves, and needs, to sing along.

The first time John Lennon sang “All You Need is Love”, it was seen live by 400 million people in 26 countries.  Would we still be singing this song if he had sung, “I need you to love me?”  Don’t expect everyone to love you or what you have to say.  Before even uttering a word, a timid speaker can communicate that they would love to be anywhere else, but speaking to you.  When you are filled with fear, it is impossible to give a fulfilling presentation.   Be honest, isn’t this fear just you worrying about yourself?  It is not your listener’s responsibility to compensate for your lack of courage and compassion for yourself.  Presenting yourself as worthy of affection and adoration begins with not needing others to love you first.  When you love yourself least, you demand the most love from others.   Unchecked, your need becomes greed and leads you to using people in a vain attempt to feel loved.  When you find all the love you need is within, giving a fulfilling presentation is simply a matter of tuning your listeners into this feeling.

In its ugliest form, greed loves things and uses people.  Speakers who use people to fill their need for attention, love and understanding, never feel whole.  When you love others, when you seek to understand others, when you honor others with your attention first, your needs are magically met. Greedy demands never create love and understanding.   Generously showing and sharing your love and understanding, virtually guarantees you will possess more than you will ever need.

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