Do You Command Your Desires?

You want it. You know you want it. A familiar craving becomes a favorite flavor dancing on your tongue, urging satisfaction.     No, I’ll be good.  I wait a little longer.  Visions fill your head.  Your tummy grumbles in anticipation.  Your mouth moistens.  You see it, clearly, waiting for you, right where you left it.  Do you give in to desire?  You want what everyone wants in life, an unfair advantage over desire.  Creating, capturing and commanding desire gives you the advantage.

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
Napoleon Hill

Invite your listeners to join you by creating a desire for your message.  Your message is the destination of your presentation.  How you get there is the journey.  Who sticks with you until the end depends on how you travel.  Creating desire can be as simple as asking a question which creates a sense of mystery.  How do you make the familiar interesting?  By finding a new way to see something old.   A desire to share in your discovery invites your listener’s attention.  How you set the stage and sell your story determines how strong a desire you create. Don’t hope or wish for desire to just happen, be keen enough to create a transcendent journey to your destination.

A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal which is worth achieving.
Ayn Rand

Desire is strongest when you focus it.  Remember your first crush, or your latest? Did a single detail of their world escape your attention or affection?  What you wore, where you went, and what you said were influenced by your desire.  Desire organizes your actions.  Too many, or conflicting, desires dilute your delivery.  When how you say something does not fit with what you are saying, it is hard for your listeners to discern your meaning.      When you choose a dominate desire, or accept the desire which has chosen you, your actions become clear.  Your dominate desire gifts you a goal worth achieving, and your audience a presentation worth focusing on.

Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.
William Blake

Commanding presentations communicate dominant desires.  When you hear them, there is no doubt what is being said.  When you give them, there is no doubt what you are doing.  You are bound and determined to bond your listeners to your message.  When you do not believe in your message it is impossible for your audience to believe in you.    Your desire to be believed can only be achieved when unrestrained by self doubt.   Let your audience know what you want to achieve. Then, strive to tie their desires to your purpose. Determine which desires are worth satisfying. You command demanding audiences when you unleash your dominant desire.

Being in command is a desirable advantage. Capturing the interests and intentions of your listeners is a worthy desire.  Creating desire which dominates you and your audience’s appetite for satisfying journeys, leads to advantageous destinations.

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