Has Chance Done You a Favor?

Chance is random by nature; however, the success of your next presentation is not a matter of luck.  It depends on you.  When you take the chance on growing experiences into expressions, cultivating probabilities into possibilities and reaping purpose from your performance, your next presentation will be a sensation.

Exposing yourself to a steady stream of ideas, emotions and environments prepares your mind to make chance connections.  It is essential for you to reflect upon your experiences to create and strengthen these connections.  Distilling your discoveries into elegant expressions of emotion and refined reasoning are the seeds of a successful speech.  Getting the seeds to sprout requires practice.

While practicing your speech, there is the possibility that it will grow stronger as well as the probability you will realize you need to pull some weeds and fertilize your flowers before its perfect.  Rehearsing what you are going to say is just the start of your presentation practice.   Repeating your message over and over again will help you memorize it, but your presentation will wither and die if you don’t emotionalize it. Record your speech and listen for feeling.  Your message and its expression must be in the soil of your soul before it can live in the light of your audience.  Practice producing the feelings and body language as well as the words, and chances are what you say will blossom into something meaningful and memorable.

Performing your presentation gives your audience the chance to taste the fruits of your preparation and practice.  Captivate your audience by projecting a purpose beyond listening to you .  Give them a chance to discover something new, as they grow with you.  Doing this encourages yours listener’s curiosity and engages their intelligence as they join you in discovering what’s in it for them.  Some may even feel lucky to have the chance to hear you speak when you produce a purpose filled performance.

Those that say they never had a chance, never took a chance. You take a chance every time you speak.  Preparation is your chance to reflect. Practice is your chance to perfect.  Performance is your chance to project. The more you prepare, practice, and perform, the better your next presentation will become. Take a chance on sharing the sensation of success.

 “Chance favors the prepared mind.”
Louis Pasture

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