Does Your Courage Encourage?

Courage once meant “the heart as the source of emotion.”  Today, courage is the ability to act in spite of your fears. It takes tremendous courage to stand and speak before your peers.  It takes emotional strength to accept an invitation to say a few words when your soul is screaming “No!”.  Just showing up can be a test of character.  When you encourage your courage, you show yourself, you grow yourself and you know yourself.

Are you born courageous? If you are reading this, there is no doubt that you were born and, there is little doubt that your mother has reminded you of her courageous act.  To survive and thrive beyond the miracle of your birth required constant nurturing, just like your nascent presentations skills.  Your education begins in ignorance. You don’t know that you don’t know (Ex: what paralanguage is). As your awareness grows, you know you don’t know (Ex: what an audible pause is). Through concentration, you know that you know (Ex:  saying “uh… ya know”  frequently is distracting).  Your knowledge finally flows into unconscious competence, you just know (Ex: to pause, silently).  This learning process applies to saying your A,B,C’s,  giving a  speech, and continues as you discover and refine your voice.  Unprepared speakers have good reason to fear speaking in public.  Preparing your presentation takes the unknown into the known, takes the unconscious and makes it conscious which turns fears into actions.  Every conscious act of courage encourages you to know yourself.

Do you believe that courage is an innate character trait?  The unique dynamic of your psyche gives you advantages in some areas and plenty of room to grow in other contexts. The situations your life gifts you with are opportunities to grow through or wither away.  Every time you summon the courage to grow, your courage expands.  Each time you step up and step over your challenges, the residue of the resolved fear is courage.  The best speeches come from what you have overcome. Speak from your growing edge, that place where your fear became a gift.  Encourage yourself and your audience to grow through each day and not just get through the day.  Characteristics of courage are not given, they are the cultivated fruits growing naturally from what you have been sowing.

Standing before an audience is a revealing experience, especially if you are imagining each other in their birthday suits (not recommended, ever).  Do you hope your courage will just show up where and when you need it?  Personal victories precede public triumphs. The results of your personal exploration and preparation are on display for all to see.   When you seek approval over agreement, validation over validity or mercy instead of meaning, your fears are speaking.  The shadow of your soul drapes its shade onto the audience in the absence of the light of courage.   There is a light within your heart and when you speak from there your voice enlightens your audience.   To be scared as you approach your light is normal as your shadows appear bigger and darker the closer you are to your source.   It takes courage to touch this thunder amid the clouds of doubt and darkness, but once this lightening cracks in your listener’s ears, all they will see and remember are the courageous instances of your electrified expression.

Cowardice is honoring fear over your heart’s potential.  Cowards goad others to attempt something they can’t or won’t do.  Don’t let your speeches smack of this soul scarring insincerity.  The potential to be courageous is your birthright as well as everyone with whom you will speak.  Make courage real by knowing, growing and showing yourself through heartfelt acts of encouragement.

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