Have You Had Enough?

Enough is simply the point where adding anything becomes too much.  When you stand to speak, respond to a question, or offer feedback you need to know your audience’s appetite for information.

Nerves, time pressure and what you know can cause your presentations to become bloated.

Have you ever been nervous around someone you find attractive? You tend to say too much, and then even more,
as you attempt to explain away what you just said, until neither of you knows what was said.  Nervous speakers words tend to
race along with their heart rate, hurling their message at the audience.  Take a breath and pause. Your listeners need a chance to digest what you are saying.

Knowing how long you have to  speak reduces your nerves and is key to respecting your listeners.  When you are pressed for time you attempt to do too much, too quickly.  When you rush, the quality of what you say diminishes, as does your audience’s understanding.  Pacing your message to the time allowed communicates respect for your audience.

Regardless of what your friends say, you know too much.  You already know what you are going to say. Your audience has no clue of what’s coming next.   This is the curse of knowledge and it cripples your communication. Ineffective speakers demonstrate their knowledge in spite of the audience’s understanding.  Effective speakers cultivate audience understanding and seek to enhance it.

The fullness of your communication depends more on what is left out than what is stuffed in. When they ask you for more, you know you have given them enough.

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