How Do You Express Gratitude?

Gratitude is rarely the first feeling that overcomes us when we stand before our peers.  You wonder, will they listen?  You are concerned about how to connect with them. Hopefully, you want them to get something of value from your comments.  Be grateful for your audience because they can listen to you, they can connect with you, and you can grow with them.
Whether or not speaking in public is the number one fear belies the fact that addressing your peers is that fastest path to profound personal growth.  You summon your best self through thoughtful preparation and courageous presentation.  Your audience challenges you to be clear and congruent.  Be grateful for their invitation to be your best self.

By accepting this invitation you have the opportunity to expand your world far beyond your own concerns.  Figuring out where your audience is coming from and how you can best relate to them enlarges your perspective.  Effective presentations share and shape perspectives so everyone experiences a similar world view. Be grateful for your audience because they enlarge you.

Attention is a precious gift to give.  Each set of ears and eyes in your audience is a gift to cherish and to honor.  In front of your peers, you find a living mirror which reflects what is heard, regardless of your intent.  The more honestly you look into this mirror the clearer your communications become. Be grateful for your audience’s attention and honor the reflection of your presentation.

Gratitude is an emotion of choice which enfolds through your perspective. Seeing your audience as giving the gifts of attention, connection and inspiration allows you to stand in gratitude.

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